Find a job to your liking: 5 steps

Find a job to your liking: 5 steps

In childhood, we had no problems with self -determination. Some went to a music school, others for gymnastics – everyone had a hobby and hobbies. But not everyone in adulthood manages to continue to do what inspires and pleases, and even more so to make money on this. How to put an equal sign between your favorite pastime and work?

You had it? At some point, a “black hole” comes in life, which absorbs all the time and strength, but gives nothing in return. And everything seems to be fine – family, friends, work. But the work does not cause the joy from which you want to sing and dance. And then childhood can come to the rescue. Remember what you dreamed about in your youth, who you wanted to be, what caused great joy. And start to implement it right now.

Step No. 1

Remember your dreams, games, classes and hobbies that really captured and inspired. You can write them out on paper. Look at them. It can be one or several hobbies at once. Feel that from this it will make you a happy person, what dream you have a smile on your face? This condition

is not confused with anything.

The support of a loved one or a person whom you deeply respect, inspires and fills with force and courage

In my case, it was a dream to connect yourself with literature. By the age of 40, I managed to work in different areas and in each I reached a certain stage of development, when there is nowhere to go further or I did not want. But I have never been connected with books, magazines and blogs.

Step No. 2

Apply for help and support to family, friends and colleagues. Only for those who will not make fun of you or say: “Well, what kind of nonsense did you come up with?!»Perhaps they will be able to give you useful advice or recommend a friend from this area. In any case, the support of a loved one or a person whom you deeply respect, inspires and fills with strength and courage.

A blogger’s friend helped me. In addition to support, she shared with me useful developments, nuances that I did not know about – what to pay attention to, in which direction to move, what to read.

Step No. 3

Get new knowledge and develop in this area. Now on the Internet and social networks there are a huge number of different seminars, webinars and articles. And not necessarily paid. The time has come when it has become fashionable to share experience and knowledge in your blogs – find what will help you open up in the desired area. Read, listen, look and communicate! Something will respond to you, you will forget about something right there.

Remember that almost any skill can and should train. I listened to several webinars and realized what I do not want to write about exactly and what is really close to me. It turned out that there are not only forums and conferences, but even step -by -step instructions “How to write and publish your first book”. I went to a meeting with one of my favorite writers. This inspired me to follow my dream.

Step No. 4

Try not to think about what you can’t do. Fear is normal, we are all afraid of something, but remember that you are the master of your life, and do not let fear destroy your dream. You can start implementing it a little, you do not need to quit your job or forget about family duties. It is useful to prioritize and allocate a certain amount of time per day or a week for a dream.

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